Mike Dougherty's Blog

Do you boycott movies by Mel Gibson because of his behavior?

July 20, 2010
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I read a blog that asked if Mel Gibson’s latest tirade directed at his girlfriend and filled with expletives and racial slurs would keep people from going to see his movies. Good question.

It isĀ  easy to say that I’m fed up with his behavior and his rants about different ethnicities. I can say that I have no plans to go see a Mel Gibson movie and help him make more money.

But if he happens to be in a movie that also features someone whose work I respect, I might go see it.

For instance, he is reportedly soon to be in a movie produced by Jodie Foster. Even if I am boycotting Mel Gibson, I happen to be a big fan of Jodie Foster. So, who knows. I’ll have to decide when I know more about that project.