Mike Dougherty's Blog

Joe the Plumber called?

October 25, 2009
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Wow!  I just received a call from Joe the Plumber.

He was inviting me to some upcoming rally in Central Arkansas designed to stoke the opposition to passing the Democratic health care reform plan.

I guess I understand the right-wing part of the GOP using the man annointed Everyman by 2008 Republican presidential candidate John McCain.  He had a brief splurge of popularity among the group that likes to call itself “the base” of the GOP.

What I don’t understand is our phone number being on Joe’s call list.  My wife has been a longtime Democrat.  My brother-in-law was chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party for 10 years.  Before that, he was the executive director.

We just seem like a strange choice.

Maybe “Joe” just hit a wrong button on the phone.  I guess politics makes for strange phone fellows. Still, though … me and Joe the Plumber?  That’s one I didn’t see coming.