Mike Dougherty's Blog

Good gosh, it’s hot — thinking, staying cool

July 19, 2010
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With Arkansas temperatures in the 90s and 100s, and the heat index 10 or 12 degrees above that, now is the time to be smart about staying cool.

That could mean anything from thinking cool thoughts and daydreaming of icebergs to planning evening meals that are light, cool and don’t require time in the kitchen with the oven going.

Salads, garden or the fruit variety, make a lot of sense at this time of the year. My doctor that has ordered me to lose weight says the evening meal should be the lightest of the day, regardless of what the calendar indicates.

The fruit tree (and bush or plant) is a good way to go with desserts, too. True, it’s hard to beat ice cream when the thermometer is in triple digits, but strawberries and tomatoes are great, too. Even if you go the frozen route, yogurt can help keep some of the pounds off.

As far as around the house, the trick is staying cool without having heart-attack-inducing utility bills. Air-conditioning may be the life saver, but it helps to keep the cool air in by making sure your doors and windows are well-sealed and that ceiling fans and box fans help move the air around.

Blocking the sunlight coming into the house has its advantages, and can keep the temperatures down considerably. Dress light — in fabric and color. Anything helps when the family’s combined ages don’t add up to the reading on the digital thermometer.

If you go out for exercise, be prepared — dress in light clothes and have water or hydration drinks available at all times. The sporting goods stores have some nifty bottles and carriers for your liquid refreshments.

One more thing … if you have pets, keep them cool. If their indoor animals, keep them inside, and if they stay outdoors, keep them cool and give them a place they can cool off while you’re away. Make sure they have access to water.

Good luck and stay cool out there.