Mike Dougherty's Blog

Wondering about all those “anti-government” folks … | August 10, 2010

Whenever I see a group of protesters or just a lone loudmouth railing about how the guv’mint does this or that or how the big wigs in Washington or Little Rock are spending their tax dollars, I wonder …

They don’t want the government involved in so many things. They want their taxes cut. They rally against abortion. They don’t want gay people to have the same rights they do.

So, I wonder … if they do their part.

• Do they support programs that are endangered when taxes are cut, just so the so-called tea party people can earn Republican votes?

• Do they donate generously when groups like the Mothers [For] Education in Carlisle, Ark., are raising money to buy poor kids pencils, notebook paper erasers and backpacks?

• Do they line up to adopt a black baby because the child’s mother can’t afford to raise her?

* Do they give up their Medicare payments because they don’t want the government involved in their health care — reminding us all of the tea partier who shouted at a rally, “I don’t want the government involved in my Medicare!”

* Do they support the anti-gay marriage law when it prevents two aunts who live together from adopting a nephew when a parent dies?

• Are they the big donors when the city needs private donations to keep the public pool open after tax dollars run out on July 20 and the temperature is still 106?

Maybe there are answers to these questions, but they do cause me to wonder.


  1. Mr. Dougherty,

    I am a so-called tea-bagger. I don’t know who I will support in November, but I find it hard to support anybody who is part of the Obama socialist agenda. I have met you in the past and I can tell you are the typical biased, liberal journalist.

    Comment by Andy Sutton — August 11, 2010 @ 7:09 pm

  2. You say: Whenever I see a group of protesters or just a lone loudmouth railing about how the guv’mint does this or that or how the big wigs in Washington or Little Rock are spending their tax dollars, I wonder …

    guv’mint has done so well in the past at spending our money on the stuff they deem worthy, right?

    I guess the “wants and needs of the elite few”
    outweigh the needs of the mass or the whole.

    The problem with that theory is “eventually they will run out of other peoples money to spend on things they deem necessary”.

    I see this article was written August 10, 2010, so I have to ask if you have yet noticed what happened at the polls in November 2010. It seems like the ones you called a group of protesters or just a lone loudmouth sent a message to us.

    Why don’t you buy yourself some strong coffee and a copy of “Atlas Shrugged” and be awake when the facts and truth hit you in the face? The movie is now in theaters so you could come down off your “perch high atop the ivory tower” and mingle with the folks who make this country work and view the movie.

    Comment by Jim — April 30, 2011 @ 11:15 am

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